Among the security topics included in the National Security Policy Document, known as the “Red Book” in Turkey, are “Food Supply and Security” and “Energy Supply and Security”. So what was it; If you cannot feed the masses, meet their food needs, if you win ten elections in a row, you will not be able to protect your survival. Even if someone lives in luxury and meets their every need at the highest level, if someone is hungry, if they cannot reach food, if we cannot feed our children, who are our future generations, here is the biggest survival problem for you…
If the fuel is increasing, the price of everything will increase, you cannot keep the inflation because you have to move the products from one place to another. The fact that the product is free in the field does not interest me as a consumer because the cost of bringing the product to my table increases every day. In addition, if energy is expensive, it becomes difficult for you to produce and compete. How will you make money? Here is another survival problem for you!..
Another question is, where will we find the currency we need when our safe is full? Found a burial that we don’t know about? Or what deal will be made with whom? As citizens, we have a right to know, don’t we?
My question is very simple: “Why weren’t necessary steps taken in these two main issues in the National Security Policy Document or why weren’t the basic parameters of our national security fulfilled?”
They say, “There was a pandemic, the whole world was affected.” True, the pandemic has affected the whole world, increasing protective measures. Access to raw materials made trade difficult. But we caught this crisis on one foot. “Why were reserves turned negative?” and still for the sake of obstinacy, it is borrowed both from the domestic market and from the outside at very high interest rates.
Our red line is the gains that our ancestors made by paying the price in the fight against terrorism and foreign policy. We will not back down one iota from here. However, we know what economic threats and tests have done to governments in the past. The wolf falls into man. Here is another survival threat for you…
The USA did not make the largest base in history in Greece in a day or two. The military agreement between France and Greece was not concluded in a day or two. The United Arab Emirates did not hit our Al Vatiyya base in Libya today. Saudi Arabia did not cut Jamal Khashoggi in Istanbul today; Supporting the jihadists in Syria is not new. Weapons-equipment-training support to separatist terrorism, which is now openly made by western countries and our allies, is not new. During the three operations we carried out with the hero Mehmetçik in northern Syria, terrorists were standing in Manbij and Tel Rifat. Now, we are presented with a picture as if all these issues will be resolved with two operations in our east and west…
“Is every way permissible to win the election?” or “Will all roads be opened once he wins the election?”. Where do three wrongs lead to a right?