Terrorism can disrupt the psychology of the masses. The exaggeration of the news about the martyrs and wounded of the security forces in the media can create a sense of insecurity in the public. Evaluations made by opening maps in discussion programs; analysis of what terrorists did right and wrong; as it reveals the weaknesses of the security forces, it also causes the terrorists to no longer make mistakes and take precautions in the area where they show weakness in their further actions; that is, terrorists are trained in a way.
Frequent repetition of the names of the organization during the broadcast news can become organizational propaganda by enabling the organization to be advertised. Sometimes, interviews with the leaders of terrorist organizations by media organizations strengthen the images of these managers, while their threatening statements can also arouse fear in the public. Because news about terrorism is a good income, it both breaks the viewing record and meets the need for news. The media is not indifferent to terror news, as it is violence news that has the highest rate of viewing.
The image of an action in the media reaches millions of people with the development of communication technology. However, the news and images that emerged at the time of the terrorist acts leave important traces in the minds. The constant coverage of an action in the media, even the live footage of the action, and the shock effect of the moment of attack on people bring fear and insecurity, keeping the society under control. Thus, while terror is fed by the media, the media also makes ratings.
The main task of the media is to meet the needs of people to receive news. However, it should be extremely sensitive and careful while doing this. The media should support the fight against terrorism. To the images from the way the announcers gave the news; From the news and headlines in the press to the way the news is given, one should be very careful. Terrorist organizations should not be supported, even unknowingly, and news that could be terrorist propaganda should be avoided. Media organizations should broadcast with responsibility towards national and international security and without harming the fight against terrorism.
States should use the media and social media effectively, without giving any opportunity to terrorist organizations, to provide accurate and timely information to their people; media organizations should report with a sense of responsibility and professional ethics.
In order for the investigation to be carried out better and to prevent the propaganda of the organizations after the terrorist acts, a broadcast ban should be imposed, even for a short time, but it should be lifted quickly. The damage done to the country by terrorism in the media should be explained to the public. It is obvious that the reporters’ reporting the action in different ways by entering a news race with other channels after an action, and even running on the screen as if playing a role and announcing an excited tone to the audience, will not contribute in any way to the fight against terrorism of the countries, and it will do a great deal of harm. For this reason, state officials, relevant security units, terrorism experts and media representatives should come together and carry out serious studies in order to reveal the level of expectations and responsibilities of the parties.
Dr. İmbat MUĞLU