Intercontinental Journalism and Turkey

Intercontinental Journalism and Turkey
A journalist is a person who, when appropriate, conveys economic, political, military and social developments without comment and leaves these developments to the public’s discretion, and when necessary, suggests a solution to the crises that these developments have caused or may open.
Based on this definition, it would not be wrong to say that the journalist is the flashlight in the hands of the society going through dark days, and in good times, it is the society’s guide for the stable continuation of this period.
Today, it is not possible for a journalist to be completely independent under any circumstances. Journalists sometimes do their job by being influenced by the ideology or the structures they are financed due to the negative effects of capitalism. However, the fact that journalists, who identify ways and methods that may be in the interest of the country in the political equations of their country, find opportunities and increase in our country is directly proportional to the existence of independent political authorities who take care of the interests of the country.
After the First World War, the Arab administrations, which gained their independence under the control of the colonies of the European countries and then the colonies of these countries, have ruled and continue to rule their countries until today, without going beyond the lines drawn by the Europeans. In order not to leave this geography officially while the Europeans officially left, and to continue their influence, they had sectarian systems established under the name of secularism in some countries, and systems that would form subject nations under the name of dynasty in some countries. This situation negatively affected the press members of these countries. Because it has enabled the press members of these countries to become sectarian or advertising tools that can make the propaganda of the current administration, regardless of the conditions, that can separate the society rather than the benefit of the society, especially in international issues. In these systems, it is easy for foreign countries to recruit “journalists”. In other words, when the Westerners left these countries, they first determined the system and then continued their occupying positions in these countries, first through the economy and then through the press.
Western media organs have trained members of the media who generally defend the strategies followed by their own countries, without even considering moral values, and develop strategies, and have spread these members all over the world.
Turkey is an important element of balance between the two continents, as in every other issue. Because the political strategies in which Ankara, which has become the capital with the motto “Peace at home, peace in the world”, is the center, is essential for not only the Turkish Nation, but all humanity to live in peace. Turkey’s natural mission is to train journalists who can read, develop and explain these political strategies to the world.
Therefore, in these days when our country is going through a very critical period in economic, political and security issues, there is a need for journalists who can be a “flashlight” for the society and the politicians of the society. Ankara-based Global Journalism Council brings together local and foreign journalists with different views, serving this process nationally and internationally, and consists of journalists who can shed light on the society. This mission of the Council has made it a value not only for Turkey but also for the international community.
Deniz Büstani