How can we achieve freedom of the press without being able to think freely?
Expressing one’s thoughts can take various forms. Expressing ideas in writing is only one of these forms. Today, the most common way of expressing thoughts in writing is “press”. Undoubtedly, freedom of the press, like every other freedom, is not unlimited, and almost all constitutions and international conventions regulate the reasons for which freedom of the press can be restricted.
As with other freedoms, it is inevitable that the freedom of the press should be limited in order to protect the state and the nation. In this context, it is possible to restrict the freedom of the press in accordance with national security. Because one of the greatest needs of human society is security. The top of everything is safety. However, after a life in safety, other rights and freedoms may have meaning. An optimum balance needs to be struck between freedom and security.
Public opinion in developed Western democracies is extremely sensitive about freedom of the press. Because there are many people who think. The large number of thinking people results in the large number of people who can produce solutions to political, social and environmental problems. Therefore, the press, as a means of expressing thought, becomes one of the driving forces of national development. In order for freedom of the press to gain value and meaning, thinking must have a special place in society. Freedom of the press cannot find sufficient repercussions in societies that do not know how to think and despise thinking.
On the other hand, it is essential for journalists working in the press to be sensitive about the freedom of the press. Journalists must have a high level of awareness about thinking and spreading thought. If journalists do not have sufficient sensitivity to research the truth and disseminate and disseminate the truth, the nation cannot reach the necessary level of knowledge and awareness. Journalists have to know their place and right well while fulfilling their duties to reach and disseminate genuine information.
Journalist; He is a person who asks questions to politicians/managers for the public and on behalf of the public interest. The journalist seeks the truth for the “public good”. However, the journalist cannot question and investigate. If he does, he will exceed his limits and authority. Because the authority to question and investigate belongs to prosecutors and inspectors. Journalists should not usurp duty and authority.
Politicians/managers who trust themselves and what they do do not mind journalists asking questions freely. Freedom of expression and freedom of the press cannot be mentioned if politicians/managers fear the questions of journalists or if journalists fear the evil of politicians/administrators.
In such cases, journalists would not be asking questions to politicians/managers. Only the predetermined answers of the politicians/managers are asked. Journalists should not usurp duty and authority. Journalist ask questions freely. The journalist should not ask predetermined answers.
Asking questions is another; “Ask” is another…
Cesurhan Taş