From England

Alpaslan Düven- KGK UK Representative
The UK government ended the measures it put into force on November 5 due to the Coronavirus outbreak, on December 2 last week. Those of us who have been ‘Hungry, Hungry, Hungry Artema’ for months are very happy with this decision. We’re all happy, long live our school… we’re as happy as children. So, ‘Why December 2?”I started thinking. As a riddle… ” tea and breakfast are eaten. When it comes to biscuits, his name immediately comes to mind; Christmas Christmas Christmas!”
Oh, of course! What else could have happened…otherwise, it makes sense to open at Christmas, when the corona virus, aka Covid-19 outbreak, which is claimed to have killed more than 50 thousand people in the country since March, is not yet over. Because Christmas is a very meaningful week for the British. It’s a very important week not only for the British, but also for the country’s economy.
Around £ 24bn of shopping is done by Britons at Christmas every year. This, in turn, contributes greatly to the country’s economy. The government must have thought this well, too, and decided to lift the restrictions a few weeks before Christmas. Already the food and drink sector, restaurants and pubs have been hit hardest by the restrictions. Grocers, supermarkets, restaurants, fishermen, ovens, tire and auto repairers, shoe repairer and painters, exchange offices, passport photo studios, Marks&Spencer; and Turkish coffeehouses with front windows painted, the front door locked, but entry through the back door available… workplaces a lot more than I could count have been open. Only the white-collar workers’ giant skyscrapers were closed. They were already used to working from home. Meanwhile, the country’s economy shrank by 30% and was heading for its deepest crisis in 300 years. Then came another good news. It was announced that the vaccine produced by chemical waste company Pfizer had received approval. Now we’re off our feet with joy. We’re all walking 20 inches off the ground…
But German and European Union officials have urged Prime Minister Boris Johnson to act early on the vaccine, covidise(get sick!) the science with the vaccine and accuses him of politicizing. At the same time, Brexit negotiations between the UK and the EU are not going well at all. A deal was said to be reached over the weekend. As always, it wasn’t real. Because the UK government did not want to feel the heavy bill and pain of a no-deal Brexit. For this, he proudly presented and applauded the Brexit vaccine, which was not even completed in Phase 3 trials. Meanwhile, 58 per cent of Britons surveyed by YouGov said they did not trust the vaccine and supported Prime Minister Johnson and Health Minister Matthew Hancock getting the vaccine live. There are also a large number of those who oppose mandatory vaccination.
Let’s move on… while we were sceptical about reopening and the suspected vaccine, Grant Shapps, the UK Transport Minister, made an interesting statement. He announced that a quarantine exception has been introduced for some professional groups, especially high-ranking businessmen, regardless of whether they come from risky countries. Yuppii Our joy doubled. My joy tripled. Because among these people are journalists. We’ll be released from quarantine on entry to the UK. At the time of the British minister’s announcement, the number of cases in the country was between 15 and 20 thousand, and the number of those who died exceeded 500. I mean, that’s how we were told, and we believed it.…
The questions that have stuck in my mind and gnawed at my brain are: ‘doesn’t the corona virus infect journalists, high-earning business people, elite athletes and TV teams? If it’s not infectious, why did you lock us up for 10 months? If it’s infectious, why release it on the street? Was this all a game? Did you get what you wanted? No!… On the contrary, everyone woke up. Your evil plans didn’t work. The peoples of the world are having a great awakening. We are in great solidarity. We’re not afraid, we’re not afraid…