Milosevic and his team, responsible for the massacre in Bosnia, were the people of a definitive defeat. For this reason, a large team, especially Ratko Mladic and Radovan Karadzic, gave an account in front of the court, just like the Nazis in the Nuremberg trials, and were convicted.
However, for Armenia, the “privileged” (!) country of the Caucasus, such courts seem far away.
For example, Serzh Sargsyan… He served as the President of Armenia between 2008-2018… When the Khojaly Genocide took place on February 26, 1992, his duty was the Karabakh Armenian Army Command…
The Genocide took place during Sargsyan’s term of office between 1991 and 1994. For this reason, he is no different from Ratko Mladic, the Commander of the Serbian Army in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the number one responsible for the Srebrenica Genocide that took place on July 11, 1995.
As a matter of fact, in an interview with British journalist Thomas de Waal, “Before Khojaly, Azerbaijanis thought that Armenians would not touch civilians. We broke this perception,” he admitted to his crime.
Ratko Mladic is currently serving an aggravated life sentence for his war crimes, while Sarkisyan continues his activities as a legitimate political figure in Armenia.
However, Khojaly is the forerunner of Srebrenica, but the global system has chosen not to bring those responsible for Khojaly to court for some reason.
Like Bosnia and Herzegovina, Azerbaijan, where I served on the Agdam front during the First Karabakh War, is full of memories for me.
It is not possible to forget the days when Shusha and Agdam fell into the hands of the Armenians and the 30-year occupation period began, as it is…
When I went to Agdam, whose streets I walked 30 years ago, within the framework of the media meeting held in Baku in partnership with the Global Journalism Council, the image I encountered was agonizing…
How could a nation seize another nation’s lands under the prevailing conditions of that day and bring it into this state?
It was a very beautiful city, it had a rich identity…
It was four hours away from Baku by road with carpet weaving factories, food industry products, and vast vineyards, but it was a city of very close commercial relations with Baku.
In those years, I personally experienced how Armenia attacked this region with powerful weapons provided by the Red Army commanders of the time, thanks to its powerful lobby shaped in Moscow during the Soviet Union, and how the same Red Army crushed the Azerbaijani side.
Moscow, which regularly gave arms and ammunition to Armenia’s Dashnaks and nationalists, was firing on Azerbaijani Turks, as in the January 20, 1990 massacre, let alone supplying weapons to Azerbaijan.
In September 2021, I went to Shusha, which is extremely important for the national identity and culture of the Azerbaijani Turkish nation and has a historical background. I just arrived in Aghdam. I saw that these two cities, both of which are very important historically, culturally, but more importantly, economically, have been completely destroyed with an approach that can be called “barbarism”.
Why does a nation destroy the fertile lands, big and beautiful cities it has conquered, why does not these resources continue to exist?
What can be seen in cities like Shusha or Aghdam is that they took these lands not for living, but only for plunder.
What can be seen in cities like Shusha or Aghdam is that they took these lands not for living, but only for plunder.