Culture and Art Correspondence in the Digitalizing World

Culture and Art Correspondence in the Digitalizing World
In the digitalized world, the journalism profession is undergoing an extraordinary change. Our news has shifted from ink-smelling newspaper pages to the marvels of technology we carry in our pockets.s
In order to enlighten the public, we are now able to announce our work, which we do regardless of the concept of overtime, in the digital world faster and more effectively. Now, we can freely convey the news we make in our fields to millions of people without calculating a single photo frame and column centimeter.
The Digital Age, which started with the development of technology, liberated journalism almost as much as a bird held in the palm of its hand, flapping its wings in nature. Culture and art journalism, which is stuck in a cage because of politics, magazines and 3rd page news, has become one of the most important symbols of this freedom.
Although we have a small readership as the field of culture and arts on the agenda of Turkey, which is fed by politics, the fact that an awareness has been created by the news, comments, analysis and video news made in digital media by culture and art journalists in recent years is clearly evident.
The fact that Turkey has a wide spectrum of culture and arts began to be explained more and more through the posts made by culture and art journalists on digital media. While the concept of culture and art journalism has started to increase in importance, we, journalists working in the field of culture and arts, should not forget that we need to constantly renew and develop ourselves.
Today, people see vacation or travel as consisting of sea, sand and sun. However, there is a history in Anatolian lands. The values here are just like a child… If you take care of these values, love them and see them, they will be permanent. But if you ignore them, don’t know and don’t learn, they too will rot. Our aim is to show our historical and cultural values that lie in every corner of Anatolia, first to the people of Anatolia and then to the whole world, that a holiday is not just about sea, sand and sun. We visited the historical and cultural values of the provinces we visited and conveyed the information we obtained to our readers, and we explained the characteristics of that region to the people of Anatolia and we continue to do so. In short, we created an awareness. In line with this awareness, we have made sure that our Anatolian people can see these places. We wrote that they had to see it. We are trying to contribute to the dissemination of domestic tourism with 81 provinces of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism. As Culture and Art Journalists, we have a grain of salt in the soup at the point of owning and promoting the heritage of humanity.